Women know what to expect when they’re expecting. But unexpected bladder leaks, changing menstrual flow, and discharge can leave new moms feeling anxious and alienated by their post-baby bodies. It may be the one thing they aren’t prepared for. That’s why we launched Ready For Anything — a campaign that showed women our all-in-one products are ready for any surprise mom life has in store — just like they are.


In video content, we dramatized the common leak triggers and “uh-oh” moments moms know all too well.
And with an original 3D render, we visualized how our multi-fluid absorption technology can handle any kind of leak.


In partnership with Scary Mommy and pelvic floor therapist The Vagina Whisperer, we created videos and articles addressing common issues moms face — with a nod to how Stayfree and Carefree can help you stay prepared.



Creative Direction — Nathalie Huni + Molly Crawford

ACD / Art Direction — Renee Alvarado

Strategy — Caitlin Finn

Production — Michelle Price

Account / Project Management — Alex Neophytou + Lindsey Rosenfeld + Hannah Mahdavi